I Timothy
It is clear that Paul seeks to boost his charge, Timothy in this first letter. He desires to both challenge and encourage him. He reminds Timothy of his faith, which came from a godly lineage, his giftedness, which came through the “laying on of hands”. He also gives Timothy his insights into the church at Ephesus (where Timothy served as Pastor): The errors of false teachers and the sound doctrine needed; the need for elders and deacons (and the qualifications for each post), instructions about caring for widows, and finally, instructions to exhort those who were rich. Chapter three is noteworthy in that very specific qualifications are listed (here and in Titus) regarding church leaders.
Here is an outline of I Timothy:
I. Salutation (1:1-2)
II. Instructions regarding doctrine (1:3-20)
III. Instructions concerning worship (2:1-15)
IV. Instructions concerning leaders (3:1-16)
V. Instructions concerning dangers (4:1-16)
VI. Instructions concerning various responsibilities (5:1-6:10)
VII. Final instructions to Timothy (6:11-16)